CaDiva is more ready than either HRH or myself. She has already followed-up with the hotel, ensured we have a refrigerator, tracked down the previously mentioned Greek pasta salad from Costco, and started both an electronic and hard copy Ragbrai 2015 travel folder. HRH has a sinus infection, so training is on the back burner this weekend. I am busy shopping for balance aids and a charging port for the laptop. The balance aids are for my bike and the charging port is so I can blog while we wait in the meet town. Well that is the plan any way. It is kind of like the plan for the bike. It certain sounds good in theory.
The balance aids are because apparently you shouldn't have problems standing on one foot if you can ride a bicycle. I don't grasp the concept since I have no problem as long as I get to keep both feet on the ground. Ok, that is a problem if you are riding a brilliant purple, comfort-bike. There is also the problem of not being able to get off the ground once you fall onto it. Gravity, thou art a heartless witch.
We did have an adventure yesterday. CaDiva and I drove to Omaha for a Livi Rae Lingerie event. Livi Rae Lingerie is that shop owned by the Double Divas on Lifetime. They make foundation garments for people who need the kind of foundation garments they don't sell in the regular stores. Not the kind Vicky tries to keep secret either. And certainly not the 28 B cups that don't really need a bra as much as they need something to spend money on because Mattel's clothing line is not that costly and the big snap at the back neck of most of their outfits is irritating. Where was I?
Oh, anyway we got to the Hampton Garden in North Omaha and were immediately directed to the event in a double meeting room. We are still trying to figure out how they knew where we wanted to go without asking. We passed Molly Hopkins on her speed walk to the ladies facilities. So we knew we took the right turn, or left, whichever, we were waiting to check in when Cynthia Decker, the designer, walked out and took one look at CaDiva before pronouncing, "You are for me." CaDiva smiled sweetly and said, "I do need you." We didn't realize until today, not everyone saw either Cynthia or Molly although they were obviously pleased we all came, but they had several expert fitters there and a great many customers.
We found ourselves in a three way curtained dressing room with a mirror balanced on a ballroom chair and two exuberant, southern belles expertly assessing CaDiva's needs. We left with two, quite reasonably priced, under-wire bras. Both were a surprise, because CaDiva never wanted to wear an under-wire and we really thought we were going to drop a couple hundred to find something that made my lady feel comfortable. Molly and Cynthia both explained what CaDiva needed and what she had every right to expect from a brassier. We were very happy and many people have liked the picture I posted of a perky CaDiva and her cat-who-ate-the-canary grin.
We got to Omaha a little early and decided to stop at a roadside fruit stand, but we over shot and ended up at a garage sale. This is a girl trip remember, there are no wrong turns on a girl trip (See Amendment 3 to the Rules of a Girl Trip.) You end up where you were meant to be. It is sort of Zen-like. In any case, we drove home with two new bras, some silicone strap supports, three tomatoes, a cantaloupe, table/lamp and five books for Her Motherness.
I am counting it all as Ragbrai training, given that I was riding around in the shot-gun seat watching for sources of caffeine and ladies rooms.