
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bodega Bay

The Double Tree we stayed at was in Rohnert Park. The lobby was extravagant and the room was very comfortable. It also promised the infamous white-cupped caffeine for CaDiva and HRH. There was a minor disappointment, read gnashing of teeth and renting of clothing, when the truth came out. While the products were proudly sold in the gift shop, the required iced Venti no-whip etc...had to be purchased from a nearby drive-through.

On the way out on our first morning, we checked for information on the farm trail maps. No pamphlets were available and the cookies had not been delivered yet. The staff assured HRH if she went to the Bacchus restaurant, the manager would fill her every cookie-desire.

We chose instead to breakfast at Shari's and didn't stop laughing through the entire meal. The server was immediately alerted to our girl trip status and fit right in. We ate and planned and enjoyed ourselves thoroughly.

As she was driving, CaDiva set the route. We headed towards Bodega Bay via the aforementioned drive-through and Santa Rosa to take a peek at her former home. After living in the Midwest for the last five years, CaDiva was surprised at how her former yard had shrunk. I had the same reaction to seeing a formerly terrifyingly high playground slide after a few years growth, but I'm sure it is not the same thing.

Being lifelong plains dwellers, HRH and I were amazed by the diversity and frequency of fruit trees just growing willie-nillie by the roadside, or at least very near sidewalks if a person decided to get out of the car. I'm pleased to say all discussions of fruit theft were postponed and we headed out to the beach.

We drove through Sevastobol and north along the coast highway ending up at Rivers End and Goat Rock, stopping at the Sandpiper Inn for lunch. I know that CaDiva wanted to find some of the farm trail produce stands, but I don't see how any other stops could have improved the day.

We visited several beaches after a quick stop at Surf Shop to get new sunglasses. The two young German boys renting wetsuits and surf booties for their surfing lessons were just bonus. Likewise the stop at a kite shop was part of rule four. I wanted a kite since it was such a beautiful windy day.

HRH, being younger and more fit, took responsibility to launching the kite. I got to hold the string after it was in the air. And this is as it should be, younger sisters taking up the running part and older, more sophisticated sister sitting on a log letting the wind carry her smiley face kite into the clouds.

The day was so lovely, warm and the sky was unbelievably blue. As it was a Thursday, the beaches were not crowded at all. We got to see our first surfers, not of the German newby variety, and laughed at the seagulls stalking any potential food scraps. There was a brief discussion upon HRH's first view of seaweed on the beach, tangled and bulbous, but once assured that it was a plant and didn't move, she reveled in the surf, sun and sand.

We had to leave too soon, since we had plans to visit with some dear friends in the city. We decided on the way back down the coast, as we watch the deer and para-fallers coming out at days end we had to return tomorrow for sunset. We had already planned a picnic in Armstrong Grove, so we would just expand our shop tomorrow for enough for dinner and spend sunset at the beach. But that is for tomorrow.


  1. Where is the blog about those "dear friends?"
    Ahem...a divine dinner was had by all, great toasting, sweet laughter, the delight at loving connections maintainted.
    The bird women

  2. Here I am rereading my blog a year and a half later and I see a comment. I couldn't believe I didn't notice it sooner. HUGS to you both. We did have a good time didn't we?
