
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Night in a Tent

The Tent is up! What a Team!

Well we got back to the tent after touring downtown Webster City and started to make ourselves at home when CaDiva and HRH decided to walk down to the Kybos, which were at the park entrance and as I told you, we were camped in the far corner.


I decided to sit in the shade and hydrate since I was sweating out as much as I took in. I still had the lemonade glass which had been refilled with water and tea and water again and I'll admit I was zoning out a bit when I heard something oddly familiar behind me.

A deep soothing masculine voice assuring someone that it was no bother at all. I turned my head and broke out laughing as I recognized CaDiva riding in the utility golf cart with a fine-looking Webster City police officer. She was hugging him as HRH approached on foot. All I could say was, "How did I know it was you?"

CaDiva explained it later when she said the young officer had asked her if there was anything he could do to help and she asked him for a ride back from the Kybos. He complied and HRH walked. She mentioned SEVERAL times that she was standing right there when CaDiva climbed aboard and road off. I think next time we do this, she may take her bike to the Kybos and just count that CaDiva let get her own ride home.

By this time I had connected with Not-Hank and TWC. They weren't going to even leave Des Moines until 7:30 so we decided to find dinner without waiting for them. As I was more than comfortable where I sat ... well comfortable was a strong term ... I was more like melted into the camping chair. And since HRH is younger and the car belongs to CaDiva it seemed only sensible for the two of them to go back to the Casey's and get some food. And since the Casey's was so close to those lovely pork chops on a stick, they might as well bring some back.

At that point, we didn't know the pork chop dealer would come scoping out the camp site at regular intervals to deliver their beguiling meaty moistness to the other-white-meat-addicts around the park. By the time we found that out we had scarfed down the last pork chop run and were sucking back some more iced tea while whining about the lack of pie.

We were laughing and telling tales and making plans when the lady in the next camp over came by with three pieces of apple pie still warm from their stove. Oh, I do love Iowans.

We were a little worried about losing TWC's parking place when a GREAT BIG RV started to pull in between the two trees we were set up behind. We watched in amazement as the behemoth barely missed being wedged under a lower branch. As the driver let youngsters out of the side doors we thought they were just going to abandon the hulk where it sat. Then, just as slowly, the driver worked it back out from under the tree limb. When she unwound the RV and got it headed back towards the road, she beckoned her young passenger back into the vehicle with the single instruction..."This never happened."

Soon the sun began to set and we were a little concerned about Not-Hank and TWC when we got the first of several phone calls as they navigated the same jumble of closed streets and park entrances masquerading as a towing service driveway. We discussed driving down to direct them in but feared losing our parking space. Soon enough, though, TWC declared he thought he found us.

I walked to the edge of the bike trail to wave TWC into the parking space. I had been there a few minutes when a two-wheeled missile approached me as if I were lit up by the infrared beams of a Seal Team. By the time I recognized TWC he was laughing his butt off.

As he is considerably younger than, well most adults, I used the time honored response..."You know you are adopted." He didn't care, we had plenty of space for what turned out to be more of an 18-wheeler than a truck with a trailer and he and Not-Hank were ready to party. They wandered towards the road and we settled down for mature lady time. I warned both of them I wasn't going to explain anything back at the office if they failed to return in time to start the bike ride the next day. I'm not certain, but I think I heard something akin to "Yeah Yeah sure mom."

Soon HRH, CaDiva and I realized the music we were hearing was live. We thought Three-Dog Night wasn't going to start until 9:00 but it was only 8:30. But as we heard the first strains of "Momma Told Me Not to Come" we realized the breeze wasn't the best thing about our site.

We listened for a few hours and then settled into the tent. I discovered this involved a lot of crawling around on the ground to get down to to the air mattress. This is not only completely undignified but more than a little uncomfortable for a fat woman with arthritis. However, the definition of undignified was raised considerably when the temperature dropped just enough for me to quit sweating and needing to pee.

But once again, it is late and the Fab Five are being interviewed wearing their golds, so I'll finish this tomorrow.

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