
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Planned Parenthood Book Sale weekend

It has been two weekends since HRH joined CaDiva, The Mom and I on a weekend. First HRH had a head cold and then she had to work. So the last time we got to play was a cold and rainy weekend at the Iowa State Fairgrounds. Above, you can just barely make out the wind turbine against the gray damp sky.

We started that weekend with the little hrh at Home Plate Diner.

The food was very tasty and welcoming on such a dreary day. I regretted ordering the patty sausages with my omelette. They tasted wonderful but my old GI Buddy was back in town. Upper GI that is. Regardless of my temporary amnesia regarding my digestive system I enjoyed the meal and would go back there any time.

They have a seriously family friendly attitude. Little hrh was in a fine mood until just before we entered the diner. But she had started a tiny tantrum as we approached the table. We weren't even seated before the server showed up with a Barbie doll and a My Little Pony to distract the little terror...excuse me, I meant the little hrh.

We all enjoyed the joking and teasing between the servers and customers but we laughed out loud when we realized it was a customer who was offering us a coffee refill. I'm going to guess the rule is, if you want coffee you can get it yourself but you have to offer it to everyone else too.

We went across the street after brunch and dropped the Mom, HRH, and the little hrh off at the book sale while CaDiva and I found parking. I have been going to the book sale since it was in the Ag Bldg (aka the old 4 H building if you are old enough to remember) and the parking is much improved over the years. But we are wienies and didn't want to park in the back forty  And why should we when CaDiva can parallel park like she invented the concept. It is really quite sexy to watch, I should film it and load a video here.  I could probably charge people to watch it.

We got out of the book sale on Saturday only $50 light. And we only dropped another 40 or 50 bucks on Sunday but that was a half-price day. And you really can't count the $30 we spent on Monday because that was 75% off day and we delivered over 35 books at the Mom's house that day. She is pretty much set until the spring sale.

We tried out the children's consignment sale but I wasn't really impressed. I did find a cutie pair of boots for the little hrh. They light up and looked adorable on her. And we did find a Christmas or Birthday present for her too. I'll explain later how grotesquely unfair it is to give anyone a birthday so close to Christmas.

Well, like always I started this too late and I need to get off to bed. I will give you an Dunkin' Donuts update tomorrow if I get home from work at a decent hour.

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