Got HRH registered this weekend. It was not as easy as we would like it to be. We had to get the contact person changed to HRH in order to drop me, but we got it all done. Why are we dropping me? It isn't like I actually rode. And we don't need a team since we don't need a car permit. So we are a one person team. HRH Rocks.
I mentioned I forgot how to ride a bike, right? Well, I did. We tried out a lot of, well they call them comfort bikes. But they are little old lady bikes. They have a wide seat, not as wide as mine, but still it will do. They also have a step through, what we used to call a girl's bike. But the last time I rode a bike it only had one speed and you stopped by dropping your Keds in the dirt.
I finally found what I was looking for at Bike World here in Des Moines. It is called a Townie and is brilliant purple. I spent $600 for the bike, a rear view mirror, and a helmet. HRH said I needed the helmet. Keep in mind she wasn't wearing one when she tried to ride that luggage cart into the Toyota. But she is the expert so I got one. It is not easy to get something stylish in my size. I'm talking about the helmet now not the bicycle seat. Everyone asks me if I got a bell or a horn. I assured them the blood-curdling scream should be sufficient.
HRH is pretty certain I just need confidence. That and to learn to stop without falling down. We are certain my bike will fit on the rack with hers. All that being said, it will be the last full week of July soon enough and I want to get good enough at riding this thing so I can help her train...well maybe next year.
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