
Sunday, August 19, 2012

I haven't forgotten you.

We took HRH, the Mom, her friend and her friend's friend out to lunch yesterday. Red Robin ... YUMMM! ... again they made over us all over again because of the nice e-mail CaDiva wrote on their website. Yeah I know, it is the same thing as asking the car to let us in when the 18-wheeler was in the wrong lane at Ragbrai. I don't question it, I just go along for the ride. The Mom's friend got a balloon and an extra cup of caramel shake out of it so we were all good. By the way how many of you use three syllables to say caramel and how many only use two? Even in my head I hear three but then I mispronounce February too.

Anyway, lunch was after taking the Sabrina cat to the Vet. She is pretty sick and we are hoping the antibiotics (which HRH says I mispronounce too) and steroids will make her well and comfortable in that order. We'll know more in two weeks. Hold a good thought for us ok? So after the vet, and lunch, and some miscellaneous shopping I was pretty tanked and headed to bed at 8:30.

CaDiva woke me up at 9:30 this AM to say she was going to the new HyVee...a Whole Foods and Super HyVee store with a Starbucks, this woman is in shopping cart heaven. But before she got back The Mom, her friend and her friend's friend called to say they were coming over to dig up some of our hostas. Turns out she also dug up some of our violets. Only we don't have violets...we are going to find out how creeping charlie does in Texas, I guess.

Shortly after they left, I started helping a friend work on a document for work and she left about a half hour ago. So I'm not going to blog tonight. I have to take the trash to the curb and CaDiva still needs to clear the decks for the carpet cleaner tomorrow.

Another busy week ahead but my plans are to tell you about the one time we didn't get lost in Washington DC.

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