Her Momness and I only made it as far as the first gate.We decided we could see just fine from there. CaDiva made it into the second gated area. But, HRH, The Sister (who is only as much younger than my mother as she is older than me) and hrh walked well into the pasture. She had no fear. No concern at all, and even the most elder and skittish of the horses, walked up to visit with her. There were three horses and one mule in The Sister's pasture. Not to mention a much larger horse in the next yard over.
This was a good day, despite how the weekend started. Little hrh had a lot of confusion as the weekend started the night before. She went out Friday evening with her grandmother and grandmother's friend who had the same first name as The Sister. And she really couldn't grasp the concept of there being two people with the same name and she wasn't quite clear on which one had the horses. After a lovely soft, but late Friday night, Saturday morning rolled around really way earlier than she planned. She tried to explain to HRH how sleepy she was and how she really thought she would stay in bed. Then, about a half a beat later, her eyes popped open and she sat up in bed and said, "I just remembered something." Today was the day she was going to see the horsies. I asked her if she had ever seen a horse before. She said no, but she had seen a movie.
The Sister only made one condition to meeting the horses, hrh was supposed to learn their names. The oldest is Momma. Then there are Annie. I don't remember the brown and white horse's name. But the mini mule was Maxie I think. There was a lot of discussion as to how you got mules, and what happened if one mule got the warms for another mule. So the names sort of got lost in all the other mish mosh. I did better remembering the dogs names, Eli (a standard poodle who is my best bud, although he loves CaDiva best), Bailey, and Stella.
Anyway, back to the pasture. The bag of carrots was depleted quickly. Little hrh may be willing to try eating them now, although to this point she has insisted they were bunny food and not little girl food.
We did see this Mom and set of twins walking across the pasture. But, I wasn't fast enough with the camera. They gave me a second chance as we were headed towards Pennick's sweet corn stand for one of the last batches of peaches and cream of the season. I may need to do an entire blog about Iowa Sweet Corn. Unfortunately, I have work to do now. So I'll sign off for now.
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