So, CaDiva has this thing for Highlanders. Maybe Lowlanders too. I don't really get it, she just adores men in kilts. Oh, and bagpipes. She actually arranged for us to attend a bagpipe the Historical Building. To be more specific, in the Historical Building. In-side the Historical building. Have I made it perfectly clear, she took us in side a building to listen to men in kilts play bagpipes. IN DOORS.
So I shouldn't have been surprised when she wanted to take a weekend to drive up to Shakopee, MN to see the Renaissance Fair. Now, I haven't been around a lot of Renaissance festivities, so I'm perfectly happy to accept they have a lot of Highland Games. 

Overall, it was very impressive. Not as impressive as the bare backed young man in the kilt. Amazingly, the male costumes seemed to be very comfortable and breezy. While the women seemed to be bound firmly into wool and linen. I'm thinking the flagon would last a goodly portion of the event as long as you are corseted as tightly as that lady. 

My strongest memory was the next day. We drove up Saturday morning and spent the day at the fair. We took a hotel room that came with two tickets to the fair and collapsed in the room Saturday night. When we rolled out of bed, we brought breakfast to the room and curled up on the sofa. By the time we were through the Sunday morning paper, bagels and coffee, we decided to ask for a late check out. We found a great Sunday movie, "Remember the Titans" with Denzel Washington. Yeah, we know but sometimes you just need one of those underdog sports movies. We noshed for the rest of the day and didn't even try to drive home until mid afternoon.
All in all, this was a good mini-vacation.
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