
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

And so the declutter begins

I know I said I was starting with my closet when it comes to the declutter and reorganization process. That made the most sense after all. I mean I have all those work clothes. I'm telling you most of the dresses and dress suits haven't fit me for a few years. They are in good shape too. Not sell at the consignment shop but really good for donation to a women's shelter. 

The thing is I spend a few minutes a day on Facebook. Don't give me that look, I have seen Rent. 525,600 minutes is a valid way to measure a year. So don't judge me. 

This is my little commercial to remind you pick up a couple or twelve women's PJs to drop off at your local shelter for women and children. These women will grab clothes and toys for the kids but never think about their basic needs. A nice clean, new pair of pajamas is so nice. Betcha there are going to be some pretty good sales on ladies PJs in the next few weeks.

So, there is this page on book of faces that hooks local people up with other people who have a need. I saw a post from a young mother who wanted to start her decorating early. Yeah, it is pre-Halloween but I don't question parents of a toddler. 

The point is we downsized to a smaller tree and no one in the family was in need of our old tree. This is a good fit. Well, pulling the tree out led to going through the tubs in the basement. 

  • We found a crystal snowman that has been missing for a few years.
  • There were three wreaths, one of which we were keeping on purpose.
  • No way we going to use either of those big tree toppers on a four foot tree. 
  • That velvet tree skirt was just a magnet for the cats. 

That didn't empty any of the boxes but that was a six foot tree in a huge red nylon bag, so now we can get to the back of the space under the stairs. No it isn't a cupboard and we never got any mail from an owl.

We did find a tub with old jeans obviously intended for donation. We just added those sweats too long for anyone not in the NBA to wear to the jeans. We found a half-filled Chewy box that obviously was set aside with donation things. So we tossed them in to fill up the tub. Now, all we need to do is load the donation tub into the Highlander and take it to the Goodwill.

I think I'll haul the Chewy box up next week to hold the work clothes from the closet. It will be an easy drop off to the shelter.

Oh, and the young mother will stop by tomorrow to pick up the tree and a few decorations we don't need.

So you see the productivity continues. And I didn't spend all day on June's Journey or Slotomania. 

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